Ah well... life plays a interesting, if somewhat random, game, does it not? Two things have happened to me lately that usually don't happen in my everyday life... #1 I was just snuggled up reading in my room when this ear-piercing crash breaks through my concentration. But I was way to hooked up in this book, "Hidden Places" by Lynn Austin that I didn't move. The commotion that followed the crash was quite funny from my point of view cause I heard my brothers yelling things like- "Put a towel under it!" or "Look away!". And so my curiosity led be out of my room where I found that one of our huge glass doors had shattered into the house... no one ever found out why it shattered though... >.<
#2 is what happened about a week after the door shattered. Me and one of my bros love ripstiking so we were outside coming down our drive way (that is long and someone steep) and seeing who could go fastest Bad idea. I hit something and went flying off. Strange part was that me and my bro didn't remember anything being in my way before. So I'm lying on the ground, somewhat dazed when my bro comes up and nearly falls over himself when he sees what I've hit. He then exclaims, "You just ran over a toad!"
That snapped me out of my daze. It was so gross. I jumped up so fast and snatched my ripstik back all the time not believing what happened. My brother and I soon fell into fits of laughter and went inside to tell our unfortunate tale and tell someone to dispose of that horrid toad that-.... Actually I'm not gonna go into what it looked like *Shudder*. When me and my bro went back out to find a shovel to move it with, the toad that I had crushed... was gone. But none of my bros had moved it...
Lol, some weeks are just to slow... others move to fast...
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